Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Find the Best Balance Bike For Your Kids

Finding a good balance bike will greatly benefit you and your kid. Well, this is not an easy task to do, since it will need you to consider a number of factors. When you are choosing the right balance bike, you should also consider if it will be suit your child. Here is a guide that will help you find the right balance bike for your child;

        Consider the Seat or the Saddle Height

One of the things you will want to consider is the seat. Ensure that you choose one that has the right height, in order to enhance the comfort when riding. When you have chosen a bike with the wrong saddle height, you will always expect your child to complain. Measure the inseam of your child, then get a balance bike that has a saddle height of about 1 inch or 1.5 inches, less that the inseam of your child. Finding a seat that has a height that is slightly more than that of the child’s inseam will allow them to get on the bike and off, easily. They will also be safer from falls and other injuries. The following picture gives you a graphical depiction on how to properly measure an inseam.

The adjustment of the seat is also something that you might want to keep in mind. It would be more convenient to have a balance bike that you can easily adjust the seat, without needing the tools. This can be handy, especially if you are away from home with the child, like in the park.

            The Shape and Material of the Seat

They will always come in various shapes and for that, ensure that you are keen when choosing them. You will also want to consider the padding of the seat and the material used as well. All these will highly contribute to the comfort of the child, while riding the bike. There are normally two types of seats of a balance bike, the U-shaped and the triangular-shaped seat. The most common are the triangular shapes, though they will be somewhat slippery when the child is riding the bike. On the other hand, the U-shaped seats are less common, but they are more comfortable and will be less slippery.

You can also decide if you want a leather seat or a hard plastic seat, but if your child is a fan of the balance bike, you might want to go for the leather seat. The leather seat is more comfortable than the hard plastic. Also, for a younger child, the leather seat would be more convenient. Choosing a seat that is padded will also enhance the comfort of the child.

                The Component Material and the Frame

The best balance bikes will come in different types of frame including the metal frames and the wood frames. If it is a metal bike, it will have some other components like aluminum or steel. This can contribute to the overall weight of the bike. The steel frames can be heavier and they will also start rusting if they are chipped. The only advantage of the steel frame balance bike is that it is able to hold a heavier person of up to a hundred pounds. The aluminum types are lighter, though they have a maximum weight capacity of 75 pounds. On the other hand, wooden bikes are friendlier to the environment, though they are less adjustable, compared to the metal frames. If your child is heavier, then a steel bike will be more convenient, though it will need more care.

                    The Overall Weight of the Bike

When choosing the best balance bike, you will need to find a bike that weighs a maximum of 30% the weight of your child. A lighter bike will be easier to control and also to carry. You want to let your child enjoy the bike fully, so choose a bike that has a lighter weight.

                        The Brakes

Another thing you will want to consider is the brakes on the bike. A preschooler or a toddler will not have hands that can control the brake and the handle simultaneously. You will want to choose brakes that are small enough and those that are not too tight and hard to press on. Make sure that your child can comfortably handle the brake without any difficulty.

Best Balance Bikes for Toddlers 12 Months and Up

Twelve-month-old toddlers are just starting to learn how to balance and can enjoy learning to sit and scoot around the house or outside on paved areas. Instead of a new shiny tricycle for their first birthday, consider a “pre” balance bikes instead. Small kids are better off to start on a three or four-wheeled push bike as they are easier to use and require less effort. Regardless of the “pre” bike you select, consider purchasing a true balance bike around the age of 2 or a pre bike with the option to convert into a two wheel balance bike later like the examples listed below.

Best “Pre” Bikes for 12 -18 Month-olds (Inseam 11″ or less, 18 mo clothes)

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